Youth Soccer Academies and/or Soccer Schools invited by PT. FIFA INTICIPTA FARMEL as Event Organizer. This is a youth invitational soccer tournament and with registration fee as informed at the invitation letter.





  • Boys under 9  born 1st January 2010 and later
  • Boys under 10 born 1st January 2009 and later
  • Boys under 11 born 1st January 2008 and later
  • Boys under 12 born 1st January 2007 and later
  • Boys under 13 born 1st January 2006 and later



1 x 20 minutes



  • Boys under 9, 10, 11 : 50m x 34m
  • Boys under 12, 13 : 60m x 40m


  1. RULES

CUP will be played in accordance with applicable section of the FIFA rules except time duration and players substitution.



The Teams will meet in a round robin series in two days game schedule

Each team shall use all of players for each match. The order among the teams will be decided according to points. Three (3) Points will be awarded for a win, One (1) Poin for a draw, and Zero (0) Poin for a loss.

It two or more teams have the same number of points, the order will be decided as follows :

  • Goal Difference
  • Head to head record between teams with equal points
  • Most number or goal scored
  • Penalty kicks contest – 3 kicks each followed by sudden death



Each team must submit a list of players to Indonesia Farmel Cup enclosing:

  • Passport (applicable for non-Indonesian citizens only)
  • Birth Certificate (applicable for Indonesian citizens only)
  • NISK (applicable for non-Indonesian citizens only)

Player Screening :

  • Player Screening will be held 2 hours before the match start at the first day of tournament.
  • Players are required to wear an event bracelet that is given when screening.



  • A substituted player may join along the match
  • The game has to be stopped and the referee has to be informed of the substitution
  • All substitutions should be done in the center line.
  • The player that will be substituted has to leave the field before the new player can enter the fie Incorrect substitutions shall be sanctioned with a yellow card



  • Trophy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place CUP and Plat
  • Medals for players of 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed together team
  • Participation Medals & Certificates for all participating players



    1. Team list
      • A written team list (special forms will be distributed upon arrival) must be handed to the organizer before every match
      • The number assigned for each player on the Participants’ list shall be the same as
      • The number on the uniform. Random controls of team list and Participants’ list will be carried out
    2. Player Jerseys
      • All team uniform must be numbered and the numbers must correspond to the numbers on the team list. Numbers must be on the backs of the uniform.
      • All teams shall bring two (2) playing kits/jerseys.
      • If the referee decides that one team should change its jerseys due to similarity to the opposing team’s jerseys, the away team shall be team that has to change its jersey
    3. Before Game
      • All teams must be ready at the field no later than 10 minutes before kick-off
      • Team will be considered knocked out if coming late
      • We rely on team managers to ensure that their team is ready to play at the prescribed tim
      • The team manager must make sure that his players are adequately insure All players MUST wear shin guards. The teams are responsible for their supporters’ conduct.
    4. Balls
      • Boys under 9, 10, 11, 12 : Size 4
      • Boys under 13 : Size 5
    5. Caution and Sending-Off Offences
      • Any player given a red card is automatically suspended from participation in the following match.
      • Yellow cards are accumula Any player who accumulates 3 yellow cards is automatically suspended from participation in the following match. Yellow cards are wiped and do not carry over into the playoffs unless a player receives their 3rd yellow card in the last group game. In this case the first game of the playoffs will be their suspension.



All referees are licensed referees from their federation.



The jury of the tournament consists of the Indonesia Farmel Cup 2019 committee. The jury handles protests and sanction matters. Their decisions is final, binding & shall not be appealed in any ways.



Protests can be submitted in writing to the committee, however the decision of the committee is final and binding.



Please ensure that all your players are insured both on and off the playing field. The Organizer does not carry any group insurance protecting participants in case of injury, illness, theft or damage to property.


Participants in any activities program of this tournament should be aware of the possible risks inherent in the nature of participating in the sport of soccer. Indonesia Farmel Cup strongly recommends that each participant have an annual physical examination and have personal health and accident insurance. Indonesia Farmel Cup does not provide insurance for participants of its programs.


It is possible for individuals participating in soccer activities to suffer common injuries including, but not limited to rolled or sprained ankles, cuts and bruises, knee problems, impact injuries, head injuries, back and trunk injuries.


Though Indonesia Farmel Cup provides adequate first aid support during the tournament, each participant hereby releases Indonesia Farmel Cup 2019 and/or the Committee and/or the organizer from any liability and/or damages arise due to any injury suffered by any player and/or official.


  1. VENUE
  • A,B Field Kawasan Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Senayan, Jakarta – INDONESIA

Jl. Gerbang pemuda, pintu 10, RT.1/RW.3, Senayan, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10270


Detailed information maybe view online at www.indonesiafarmelcup.com